08/01/18 10:15
In 2018, the beach (which is already a fantastic location at Union Lido) is set to improve once more, adding a new playground for the children, expanding their already impressive beach facilities and activities.

As you can see on the image above, the new playground will be located close to the Aqua Marino swimming pool complex, which is also close to the Bolero accommodation, giving quick and easy access to the beach and this playground. Perfect for families wanting the beach, and for kids who love to be active whilst playing on the beach!
As Union Lido unveils more information on this new project, we will provide you with updates.
Holiday News beach, NEW
08/01/18 10:06
For 2018, the Tiki water slide at Aqua Laguna is being upgraded to include 2 new additional waterslides, providing more options for those who enjoy the feeling of liquid speed! Choose from 5 unique slides at the top of the tiki tower, each waterslide offering a thrill ride from start to finish on your 2018 Union Lido and Bolero holiday!

We’ll add more details and photos when the slides have been built, but you can see from the image just how fantastic the new slides will be!
Holiday News aqua parks, Waterslides, NEW