Provisional bookings for 2013 at Union Lido are open today!
Please contact us directly via our online enquiry form or via email: [email protected], or telephone: + 44 (0)1642 714000 to ask about availability.
We look forward to hearing from you
Due to popular demand and an exciting and overwhelming response this year, we have decided to open our advanced reservations on Thursday 7th June for 2013 to help with your early holiday plans for next year.
You will be able to provisionally book our two bedroom mobile homes, our Venezia mobile home and our Torcello mobile home at Union Lido for 2013.
Our online system and prices for 2013 will not be ready until later in the year.
Please contact us directly via our online enquiry form or via email: [email protected], or telephone: + 44 (0)1642 714000 to ask about availability.
We look forward to hearing from you on the 7th June!
Prenotate la vostra Vacanza Bolero per il 2013 all’Union Lido
In seguito alle moltissime richieste ricevute quest’anno, abbiamo deciso di aprire le pre-prenotazioni per il 2013 giovedì 7 giugno, in anticipo sulla data prevista, per darvi la possibilità di organizzare al meglio la vostra vacanza per il prossimo anno.
Potrete prenotare provvisoriamente per il 2013 le nostre Mobile Home con due camere da letto, le Mobile Home Venezia e le Mobile Home Torcello presso la reception Bolero in Union Lido.
Il nostro sistema di prenotazione online ed i prezzi per il 2013 saranno pronti nei prossimi mesi.
Contattateci direttamente sul nostro sito internet, all’indirizzo email [email protected] oppure telefonicamente al numero +44 16 42 714 000 per conoscere la disponibilità.
Vi aspettiamo dal 7 giugno!
Reservieren Sie Ihren Urlaub bei Vacanza Bolero für 2013 am Union Lido.
Aufgrund zahlreicher Anfragen, die wir dieses Jahr erhalten haben, werden wir mit den Vorreservierungen für das Jahr 2013 am Donnerstag, den 7. Juni beginnen, um Ihnen die Möglichkeit zu geben, Ihren Urlaub in bestmöglicher Art und Weise für das nächste Jahr zu organisieren.
Sie können provisorisch für 2013 unsere Mobile Home mit zwei Schlafzimmern, die Mobile Home Venezia und die Mobile Home Torcello bei der Rezeption von Bolero im Union Lido buchen.
Unser Buchungsonlinesystem und unsere Preise für 2013 werden in den nächsten Monaten zur Verfügung stehen.
Kontaktieren Sie uns direkt über unsere Internetseite per Email [email protected] oder rufen Sie uns unter der Telefonnummer +44 16 42 714 000 an, um Informationen zu unserer Verfügbarkeit zu erhalten.
Wir freuen uns auf Sie ab 7. Juni!
Boek uw Bolero vakantie op Union Lido voor 2013
Op veler verzoek en naar aanleiding van de overweldigende reacties van dit jaar hebben we besloten om u de gelegenheid te geven uw vakantieplannen voor 2013 al te helpen invullen door het boeken hiervoor mogelijk te maken vanaf donderdag 7 juni.
U kunt voor 2013 uw twee-slaapkamer mobile homes, de Venezia en de Torcello, op Union Lido al vooruit boeken.
Ons online systeem en prijzen voor 2013 zullen pas later dit jaar gereed zijn.
Neemt u alstublieft direct contact met ons op via het online vragenformulier, via email: [email protected], of telefonisch: + 44 (0)1642 714000 en vraag naar de beschikbaarheid.
Wij verheugen ons er op 7 juni van u te horen!
How to use the Mobile Home Panoramic Menu
Click on the photo below to open the panorama!
How to use the Mobile Home Panoramic Menu
Click on the photo below to open the panorama!
UNION LIDO Events 2012 | MAY | Tue. 1 | h. 12.00 | Cavallino Sport Center: Mini Volley Tournament | ||||
Tue. 1 | h. 12.00 | Cavallino: Festa dea Sparesea | ||||||
Sun. 20 | h. 12.00 | Venice: ‘Festa della Sensa’, ancient ritual to celebrate the sea, in St. Mark’s Bay | ||||||
| JUNE | Sun. 3 | h. 12.00 | Venice: Vogalonga | ||||
Wed. 13 | h. 20.00 | Piazza Lido: 1st Night Run 2012 Evening race along the roads of the Resort | ||||||
Thu. 21 | h. 12.00 | "Leading Campings Day", Information, activities and offers on Leading Campsites of Europe | ||||||
| JULY | Mon. 2 | h. 10.30 | Beach: 1st Stranuotata swimming race 2012 | ||||
Mon. 2 | h. 21.00 | Piazza Lido: Musical entertainment | ||||||
Mon. 9 | h. 12.00 | Summer Festival "Luci Italiane" | ||||||
Mon. 9 | h. 21.00 | Piazza Lido: Musical entertainment with Rock'n'Roll Band "Alessandro Ristori & The Portofinos" | ||||||
Mon. 9 | h. 23.00 | Beach: Musical Fireworks Display | ||||||
10/7 - 13/7 | Cavallino Sport Center: from 10/07 to 13/07 Tennis Open Tournament | |||||||
Fri. 13 | h. 21.00 | Piazza Lido: Professional fashion show in collaboration with "Boutique Young Style" | ||||||
Sat. 14 | h. 23.00 | Venice: Festa del Redentore, with firework display | ||||||
Mon. 16 | h. 10.30 | Beach: 1st Aquathlon 2012 | ||||||
Mon. 16 | h. 21.00 | Piazza Lido: Musical entertainment | ||||||
Wed. 18 | h. 12.00 | Sea and Blue Flag Day 2012 | ||||||
Wed. 18 | h. 21.00 | Aqua Park Mare: 1st Universiade 2012, sports games in the pool | ||||||
Sat. 21 | h. 21.00 | Cavallino Sport Center, Riding school: Country Party, featuring equestrian games and competitions, Live Country Music in the evening | ||||||
Wed. 25 | h. 21.00 | Shopping Center: Serata Veneziana | ||||||
26/7 - 27/7 | West Beach: 26-27/07 1st Union Lido Beach Soccer Tournement 2012 | |||||||
Mon. 30 | h. 10.30 | Beach: 2nd Stranuotata swimming race 2012 | ||||||
Mon. 30 | h. 21.00 | Piazza Lido: Musical entertainment | ||||||
| AUGUST | Wed. 1 | h. 12.00 | Piazzale Lido: Midsummer’s Party - children’s day | ||||
Wed. 1 | h. 20.00 | Piazza Lido: Animation show | ||||||
Wed. 1 | h. 23.00 | Beach: musical Firework Display | ||||||
Mon. 6 | h. 20.00 | Piazza Lido: 2nd Night Run 2012 Evening race along the roads of the Resort | ||||||
Mon. 6 | h. 21.00 | Piazza Lido: Musical entertainment | ||||||
Wed. 8 | h. 12.00 | Sea and Blue Flag Day 2012 | ||||||
Wed. 8 | h. 21.00 | Aqua Park Mare: 2nd Universiade 2012, sports games in the pool | ||||||
Mon. 13 | h. 21.00 | Piazza Lido: Professional fashion show in collaboration with "Boutique Young Style" | ||||||
Wed. 15 | h. 09.00 | Piazza Lido: 30th Union Lido March (approx. 10 Km) | ||||||
Wed. 15 | h. 21.00 | Piazza Lido: Musical entertainment | ||||||
Mon. 20 | h. 10.30 | Beach: 2nd Aquathlon 2012 | ||||||
Mon. 20 | h. 21.00 | Piazza Lido: Musical entertainment | ||||||
21/8 - 24/8 | Cavallino Sport Center: from 21/08 to 24/08 Tennis Open Tournament | |||||||
23/8 - 24/8 | West Beach: 23-24/08 2nd Union Lido Beach Soccer Tournament 2012 | |||||||
Fri. 24 | h. 21.00 | Shopping Center: Serata Veneziana | ||||||
Sat. 25 | h. 20.30 | Piazza Lido: Baby Dance & Musical Animation Show | ||||||
Sat. 25 | h. 22.30 | Riviera Beach: "Beach on Fire", 12 km of fireworks | ||||||
Mon. 27 | h. 10.30 | Beach: 3rd Stranuotata swimming race 2012 | ||||||
Mon. 27 | h. 21.00 | Piazza Lido: Musical entertainment | ||||||
| SEPTEMBER | Sun. 2 | h. 15.00 | Venice: Regata Storica – traditional boat race | ||||
Mon. 10 | h. 19.00 | Cantinetta Lispida: Festa di Settembre |